Most men had made the mistake of telling women things they are not supposed to them and it has caused a problem for them.

Normally, it is not everything you tell people, especially women, some things are meant to be hidden from them. There are some things you don’t need to tell a woman in a haste. You don’t need to rush yourself, why the rush? You should first know the kind of person she is and how she will react if you tell her.

Dear men, never be too quick to tell a woman these 5 things no matter what.

1. Don’t be too quick to tell a woman about your financial status.

Many men had made this mistake before they realized it. If you’re quick to tell a woman your financial status, just to impress, I’m sorry to tell you that your relationship with her won’t last long. 

This is because, she is only after your money and if by chance you go broke, that will be the end of such a relationship. No matter what, never be quick to tell anymore your financial status especially to women.

Although, you can tell her later when you know her well.

2. Never be quick to tell a woman about your past relationship.

This is the silliest thing to do as a man. Don’t ever mention your ex if you’re talking with a girl, it will make her feel uncomfortable and in the end, you will be the one to lose. Your past is your past, therefore, you have to only face what is present. Unless she asks you, don’t be quick to tell a woman your past relationship.

3. Never tell a woman the amount of money you’re giving your mother.

Nowadays, most housewife hates it when their husband talks about his mother especially when it comes to money issues. As a man, you should never disclose the amount you’re giving your mother to your wife if you don’t want double problem for yourself.

4. Don’t be too quick to tell a woman your weakness and secrets 

We all have weak points, nobody is perfect. Revealing your weakness to someone means you trust them. As a man, you shouldn’t just tell your weakness or secret to any woman, make sure you know her well and if she is ready to work on it. If care is not taken, it can be used against you big time.

5. Never tell a woman your family issue.

Let your family issue be personal to you and your family only. Under no circumstances should you share your family issue with a third party. If you want to disclose it, make sure the person is close to you and will never take advantage of you. Don’t ever be quick to disclose your family issue to a woman.

Women are unpredictable, you can’t just trust them. Some words are better not said than said.

If you have any reservations, questions, and comments, use the comment box.

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